何とECM New Seriesから12種13枚組のメレディス・モンクのCDBOXが出てしまいました。実は今日の時点でまだ未開封です。というのも今までバラで全部聴いてきているし、忙しくなってきたので、取り出して聴いている暇がありません。まあ、内容については個々のアルバムのところを参照していただくとして。このBOXセット、バラで買うよりだいぶ安くなっています(その中でも値段が高めのところ、安めのところはありますが)。BOXセットを買うのをためらっている方は、まずストリーミングから、という方法もあります。個人的には分厚いブックレット(英文だと思いますが)をパラパラとめくってみたいですね。とりあえず今日のところは紹介を。
The Recordings/Meredith Monk(ECM New Series 2750)(輸入盤)
Dolmen Music/Meredith Monk(Voice, P)(ECM (New Series) 1197)(輸入盤) - Recorded March 1980 and January 1981. Collin Walcott(Per, Vln), Steve Lockwood(P), Andrea Goodman(Voice), Monica Solem(Voice), Julius Eastman(Voice, Per), Robert Een(Voice, Cello), Paul Langland(Voice) - 1. Gothem Lullaby 2. Travelling 3. The Tale 4. Biography 5. Dolmen Music a) Overture And Men's Conclave b) Wa-Ohs c) Rain d) Pine Tree Lullaby e) Calls f) Conclusion
Turtle Dreams/Meredith Monk(Voice, P, Synth)(ECM (New Series) 1240)(輸入盤) - Released 1983. Robert Een(Voice), Andrea Goodman(Voice), Paul Langland(Voice, Org), Julius Eastman(Org), Steve Lockwood(Org), Collin Walcott(Org, Didjeridoo) - 1. Turtles Dreams 2. View 1 3. Engine Steps 4. Ester's Song 5. View 2
Do You Be/Meredith Monk(Vo, Synth, P)(ECM New Series 1336)(輸入盤) - Recorded June 1986 and January 1987. Robert Een(Vo), Ching Gonzalez(Vo), Andrea Goodman(Vo), Wayne Hankin(Vo, Key, Bagpipes), Naaz Hosseini(Vo, Vln), Nicky Paraiso(Vo), Nurit Tilles(Vo, P, Synth), Johanna Arnold(Vo), John Eppler(Vo), Edmund Niemann(Vo, P) - 1. Scared Song 2. I Don't Know 3. Window In 7's 4. Double Fiesta 5. Do You Be 6. Panda Chant 1 7. Memory Song 8. Panda Chant 2 9. Quarry Lullaby 10. Shadow Song 11. Astronaut Anthem 12. Wheel
Book Of Days/Meredith Monk(Vo, Key) And Vocal Ensemble(ECM New Series 1399)(輸入盤) - Recorded June 1989. Robert Een(Vo, Cello), Ching Gonzalez(Vo), Andrea Goodman(Vo), Wayne Hankin(Vo), Naaz Hosseini(Vo, Vln), Nicky Paraiso(Vo), Nurit Tiles(Vo, Key), Johanna Arnord(Vo), Joan Barber(Vo), John Eppler(Vo), Toby Newman(Vo), Timothy Sawyer(Vo) - 1. Early Morning Melody 2. Travellers 1, 2, 3 3. Dawn 4. Travellers 4 Churchyard Entertainment 5. Afternoon Melodies 6. Fields/Clouds 7. Dusk 8. Eva's Song 9. Evening 10. Travellers 5 11. Jewish Storyteller/Dance/Dream 12. Plague 13. Madwoman's Vision 14. Cave Song
Facing North/Meredith Monk(Voice, P, Org, Pitch Pipe)(ECM New Series 1482)(輸入盤) - Recorded April 1992. Robert Een(Voice, Pitch Pipe) - Facing North: 1. Northern Lights 1 2. Chinook 3. Long Shadows 1 4. Keeping Warm 5. Northern Lights 2 6. Chinook Whispers 7. Arctic Bar 8. Hocket 9. Long Shadows 2 Vessel: An Opera Epic: 10. Epic 11. Fire Dance 12. Little Epiphany/Sybil Song 13. Mill Recent Ruins: 14. Boat Song
Atlas/Meredith Monk(Cast: Voice)(ECM New Series 1491/92)(輸入盤) - Recorded June 1992. Cast(Voice): Carlos Arevalo, Thomas Bogdan, Victoria Boomsma, Janis Brenner, Shi-Zheng Chen, Allison Easter, Robert Een, Dina Emerson, Emily Eyre, Kaite Geissinger, Ching Gonzalez, Dana Hanchard, Wendy Hill, Stephern Kalm, Robert Osborne, Wilbur Pauley. Randall Wong, Orchestra: Kathleen Carroll(Viola), Arthur J. Fiasco Jr.(Cello), Anthony Pirollo(Cello), John Cipolla(Cl, Bcl), Susan Iadone(Vln), Cynthia Powell(Key), Darryl Kubian(Vln), Thad Wheeler(Per), Wayne Hankin(Sawn, Sheng, Recorder, Cond), Steve Lockwood(Key), James F. Wilson(French Horn) - Part 1: Personal Climate: 1. Overture(Out Of Body 1) 2. Travel Dream Song 3. Home Scene 4. Future Quest (The Call) 5. Rite Of Passage A 6. Choosing Companions 7. Airport Part 2: Night Travel: 8. Night Travel 9. Guide's Dance 10. Agricultural Comunity 11. Loss Song 12. Campfire/Hungry Ghost 13. Father's Hope 14. Ice Demons 15. Explorer #5/Lesson/Explorer's Procession 16. Lonely Spirit 17. Forest Questions 18. Desert Tango 19. Treachery (Temptation) 20. Possibility Of Destruction Part 3: Invisible Light: 21. Out Of Body 2 22. Other Worlds Revealed 23. Explorer's Junctions 24. Earth Seen From Above 25. Rite Of Passage B
Volcano Songs/Meredith Monk(Voice)(ECM New Series 1589)(輸入盤) - Recorded July 1995. Katie Geissinger(Voice), Harry Huff(P), Nurit Tilles(P), Allison Easter(Voice), Dina Emerson(Voice) - Volcano Songs: Duets: 1. Walking Song 2. Lost Wind 3. Hips Dance 4. Cry #1 5. New York Requiem Volcano Songs: Solos: 6. Offering 7. Boat Man 8. Skip Song 9. Old Lava 10. Cry #2 11. St Petersburg Waltz 12. Three Heavens And Hells Light Songs: 13. Click Song #1 14. Click Song #2
Mercy/Meredith Monk(Vo)(ECM New Series 1829) - Recorded March 19 and 20, 2002. Theo Blackmann(Vo), Allison Easter(Vo), Katie Geissinger(Vo), Ching Gonzalez(Vo), John Hollenbeck(Vo, Per, Marimba, Vib, Melodica, P), Allison Sniffin(Vo, P, Synth, Viola, Vln), Bohdan Hilash(Cl) - 1. Braid 1 And Leaaping Song 2. Braid 2 3. Urban March (Shadow) 4. Masks 5. Line 1 6. Doctor/Patient 7. Line 2 8. Woman At The Door 9. Line 3 And Prisoner 10. Epilogue 11. Shaking 12. Liquid Air 13. Urban March (Light) 14. Core Chant
Impermanence/Meredith Monk(Voice, P)(ECM New Series 2026)(輸入盤) - Recorded January 2007. Theo Bleckmann(Voice), Ellen Fisher(Voice), Katie Geissinger(Voice), Ching Gonzalez(Voice), Allison Sniffin(Voice, P, Vln), Sasha Bogdanowitsch(Voice), Silvie Jensen(Voice), John Hollenbeck(Per, P), Bohdan Hilash(Woodwinds, P) - 1. Last Song 2. Maybe 1 3. Little Breath 4. Liminal 5. Disequilibrium 6. Particular Dance 7. Between Song 8. Passage 9. Maybe 2 10. Skelton Lines 11. Slow Dissolve 12. Totemtanz 13. Sweep 1 14. Rocking 15. Sweep 2 16. Mieke's Melody #5
Songs Of Ascension/Meredith Monk(Voice)(ECM New Series 2154)(輸入盤) - Recorded November 2009. Meredith Monk & Vocal Ensemble: Ellen Fisher(Voice), Katie Geissinger(Voice), Ching Gonzalez(Voice), Bruce Rameker(Voice), Allison Sniffin(Voice, Vln), Bohdan Hilash(Woodwinds), John Hollenbeck(Per), Todd Reynolds(Vln) Quartet: Courtney Orlando(Vln), Nadia Sirota(Viola), Ha-Yang Kim(Cello), The M6: Sasha Bogdanowitsch(Voice), Sidney Chen(Voice), Emily Eagen(Voice), Holly Nadal(Voice), Toby Newman(Voice), Peter Sciscioli(Voice), Montclair State University Singers - 1. Clusters 1 2. Strand (Gathering) 3. Winter Variation 4. Cloud Code 5.Shift 6. Mapping 7. Summer Variation 8. Vow 9. Clusters 2 10. Falling 11. Burn 12. Strand (Inner Psalm) 13. Autumn Variation 14. Ledge Dance 15. Traces 16. Respite 17. Mapping Continued 18. Clusters 3 19. Spring Variation 20. Fathom 21. Ascent
Meredith Monk/Piano Songs(ECM New Series 2374)(輸入盤) - Recorded April 2012. Ursula Oppens(P), Bruce Brubaker(P) - 1. Onsolete Objects 2. Ellis Island 3. Folkdance 4. Urban March (Shadow) 5. Tower 6. Paris 7. Railroad (Travel Song) 8. Parlour Games 9. St. Peterburg Waltz 10. Window in 7's 11. Totentanz 12. Phantom Waltz
Meredith Monk(Comp, Voice)/On Behalf Of Nature(ECM New Series 2473)(輸入盤) - Recorded June, 2015. Meredith Monk & Vocal Ensemble: Sidney Chen(Voice), Ellen Fisher(Voice), Katie Gessinger(Voice), Bruce Rameker(Voice), Allison Sniffin(Voice), Bohdan Hilash(Woodwinds), John Hollenbeck(Per), Allison Sniffin(P, Key, Vln, French Horn), Laura Sherman(Harp) - 1. Dark/Light 1 2. High Realm 3. Fractal Activity 4. Environs 1 5. Eon 6. Duet With Shifting Ground 7. Environs 2 8. Pavement Steps 9. Evolution 10. Ritual Zone 11. Water/Sky Rant 12. Memory Zone 13. Enrivons 3 14. Harvest 15. Dark/Light 2 16. High Realm Reprise 17. Fractal Mirror 18. Ringing 19. Spider Web Anthem
(22/11/19)メレディス・モンクのECMから出した12種(13枚)(1197, 1240, 1336, 1399, 1482, 1491/92, 1589, 1829, 2026, 2154, 2374, 2473)をBOX化してまとめたもの。分厚いブックレットが付いているので。全部持っていても買うかどうか悩ましいアルバム。彼女についてもECMという環境がなかったら、これだけ世に出ていたかどうか。ヴォイスが個性的であるということで聴く人を選びますが、一生に1度は聴いてみてもいいのでは。